Rationality Of Using Antitubeculosis Drungs In Tb Patients At Community Health Centers

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Neni Safitria Ningsih
Ratih Nurwanti
Hasty Hamzah


Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that remains a serious health challenge. The management and treatment of TB requires special attention, so the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia has established national standards to optimize efforts to control this disease. These standards serve as guidelines for health workers at community health centers in controlling and treating pulmonary TB. This study aims to evaluate the rational use of anti-TB drugs in patients at the Katobengke Health Center, Baubau City. The method used was non-experimental with descriptive design, taking data retrospectively from 41 medical records. The results showed that at Puskesmas Katobengke, the majority of pulmonary TB patients were female, with a total of 21 people (51.22%), while men were 20 people (48.8%). There were seven age groups, ranging from 15 years to over 65 years. Most patients were new cases, with 39 people (95.12%), while 2 people (4.9%) were relapse cases. The accuracy of treatment of pulmonary TB patients reached 100%, with drug selection including Isoniazid (INH), Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol, and Streptomycin which was also 100% appropriate. Indications and doses of drugs administered were appropriate in all patients, with a conformity rate of 100%.

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How to Cite
Neni Safitria Ningsih, Ratih Nurwanti, & Hasty Hamzah. (2024). Rationality Of Using Antitubeculosis Drungs In Tb Patients At Community Health Centers. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Learners, 1(1), 126–132. Retrieved from https://ejournal.poltekbaubau.ac.id/index.php/ijml/article/view/801