Edukasi Self Manajemen Perawatan Pasien Gagal Jantung (Heart Failure) Pasca Rawat Inap
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Heart failure is a condition where the heart is not working optimally so that the heart is unable to pump blood carrying oxygen and nutrients that are sufficient to meet the body's needs. The purpose of education is given to assess and improve patient and family knowledge regarding patient care at home with self-management of heart failure patient care after hospitalization to prevent recurrence and reduce re-hospitalization that often occurs in heart failure patients. The assessment is obtained by assessing knowledge before and after education is given. The activity method is to assess knowledge before and after education is given. The results showed an increase in patient and family knowledge before education was given the category Good 1 participant (6%), Sufficient 8 participants (44%) and Less as many as 9 participants (50%). Post-Education was given the category Good as many as 10 participants (56%), Sufficient 6 participants (33%) and Less 2 participants (11%). In conclusion, this education can improve patient and family knowledge. Knowledge has changed and increased which can be seen in the results of community service of 89%, which means that knowledge must be provided regularly to the community, especially families and patients to increase community knowledge.