Review Of Readiness For Implementation Of Electronic Medical Records In Outpatient Services At Sulaa Health Center

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Melisa Putri Damayanti
Sri Wahyuni
Selvi Mayang Sari


Sulaa Health Center still uses paper-based medical records and has not used electronic-based medical records so that it is necessary to carry out readiness for the implementation related to electronic medical records. This study aims to determine the readiness for the implementation of electronic medical records at the Sulaa Health Center, Baubau City. The type of research used in this study is qualitative descriptive research. The subjects in this study were one head of medical records and one officer in the outpatient registration section. The object of research in this study was the application of RME to outpatient services at the Sulaa Health Center. The results of this study are the Man element (Human) some health workers who work in medical records do not have a background in RMIK education and these officers have participated in training related to the use of computers or information technology and it is found that the workload obtained when using a paper-based system is very inefficient because it still uses the manual one, which must be searched for which number and auxiliary book. Method (Method/Procedure) that currently the flow of medical record services at the Sulaa Health Center still uses a manual system but has standard procedures in health services, Materials (Tools) consist of semi-finished materials (raw materials) and finished materials. Management is ready to provide all the materials needed to support the implementation of electronic medical records in the form of applications and computer devices, Machines are tools that make it easier for someone to do work. Electronic medical records require computers and other supporting devices in the process. Money is an important tool to achieve goals because everything must be calculated rationally. Information is the delivery of information to SDMK regarding the implementation of electronic medical records.

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How to Cite
Damayanti, M. P., Sri Wahyuni, & Selvi Mayang Sari. (2024). Review Of Readiness For Implementation Of Electronic Medical Records In Outpatient Services At Sulaa Health Center. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Learners, 1(1), 62–69. Retrieved from