Menumbuhkan Cinta Melalui Maulid Nabi

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sunardi nardi
Isah Munfarida Munfarida


This community service explores the spiritual meaning of the celebration of the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday which is celebrated every 12 Rabi'ul Awal in the Hijri calendar, especially in the midst of the digital era and globalization that often ignore spiritual values. Focusing on members of the Association of Santri, Students, Students, and Alumni (ISMA'U) NTB Orsat Jombang, this study aims to understand how the celebration of the Prophet's Birthday can be an effective means of instilling and strengthening the values ​​of wisdom, simplicity, justice, and compassion taught by the Prophet Muhammad. Through qualitative research methods, including participant observation, in-depth interviews, and document analysis, the results of the study show that the celebration of the Prophet's Birthday at ISMA'U NTB Orsat Jombang not only succeeded in becoming a reflective moment for members to internalize and apply spiritual and moral values ​​in everyday life, but also strengthened solidarity, unity, and increased their social awareness and responsibility. Activities such as lectures, discussions, and Islamic art performances have proven effective in deepening members' understanding of the Prophet's teachings and encouraging their application in a modern context, making the Prophet's Birthday a platform that not only functions as a religious ritual, but also as a means of building stronger and more sustainable character and community.


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How to Cite
nardi, sunardi, Munfarida, I. M., & Senang. (2024). Menumbuhkan Cinta Melalui Maulid Nabi. Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Baubau, 1(1), 9–14. Retrieved from